Book Review

The Stars My Destination

I’m baaack! But at least I didn’t have to wait forever while I created an alternate identity so as to find and get close to the ones I hate in an effort to ruin their lives and kill them…

Whoa… sorry about that. Anyhow, this book is considered one of the greatest science fiction novels of all time. But is that what I think? Read on and find out!

The Stars My Destination
Author: Alfred Bester
Pages: 236
Format: Paperback
Published: June 13, 1956 (as Tiger! Tiger!)
Publisher: ipicturebooks
View on Goodreads
Date Completed: January 13, 2024
My rating:


After his ship is attacked, Gulliver Foyle is marooned in outer space. He lives to survive on his wrecked and adrift ship, Nomad. One day a ship comes near. He sends out distress signals to no avail. The ship moves on, leaving him once again alone in space.

But he knows the ship that passed him by. Ignored him. And now, he lives for revenge.

Eventually, he is rescued (maybe “captured” is more appropriate) and spends the rest of his days trying to find anyone associated with the ship that left him for dead.

But there’s a mystery driving everyone’s actions. And Foyle must get to the bottom of it in order to exact the revenge he so desires.


I read this book over the course of about 3 days. I probably could have read it faster; this was quite the page-turner. I was interested in reading what, as I mentioned already, is considered to be one of the greatest science fiction novels of all time. I certainly can see why. The world-building was fast-paced but engrossing. It did a great job of defining “jaunting” and other of the real sci-fi elements in the story. To the point where after a while, I was just along for the ride.

The characters were also engaging, especially the main character. I was curious as to what Foyle would be like without his drive for revenge, but even that aspect of him was developed enough that I was as frustrated as he when he’d be on a trail that would dry up (usually because of someone dying at the most inopportune time).

This story obviously takes place in the future. But is it really an alternate future? To me, the way this was written made me believe this was a future that could be ours in several hundred years. Nothing in the story was so crazy that the reader must suspend all disbelief.


Overall, I really did enjoy this one a lot. Would I say it’s the greatest sci-fi novel ever? Well, it’s definitely up there for me. Maybe even in my top five. But outside of Star Trek, I really haven’t read a ton of sci-fi. What I can say though, is that if you’re a sci-fi fan and haven’t read this one, you’re missing out. I only gave it 4 stars, but I can see why many would give it a full 5. Maybe I’m just old fashioned and want more in life than just revenge. But I also haven’t experienced anything so horrific that vengeance was my driver.

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