Book Review

Is Anyone Listening? What Animals Are Saying to Each Other and to Us

I debated about whether or not to write a review since I didn’t finish this book (I did read half the book). But I thought it be prudent for the casual reader to know my impressions of it before they pick it up. In short, it was quite interesting, but a little too academic for my casual interest.

Is Anyone Listening? What Animals Are Saying to Each Other and to Us
Author: Denise L. Herzing
Pages: 232
Format: Hardcover
Published: November 14, 2024
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
View on Goodreads
Date Completed: Did Not Finish (January 2025)
My rating:


This book was the January 2025 pick for the Planetary Society book club. Why would an organization with a focus in planetary exploration be interested in reading a book about communication with dolphins? Well, the basic premise of the pick was this: how can we ever expect to learn to communicate with extraterrestrials if we can’t even communicate with seemingly intelligent species on Earth (other than humans; although I sometimes call into question our ability to communicate with each other).

The book does mention this, but it’s major focus is on communication with dolphins. Dr. Herzing has spent her career with dolphins and is clearly an authority on dolphins and communicating with them.

In the first four chapters, which was all I read, I found the content quite interesting and I really learned a lot. However, there were multiple cases where I felt the author was repeating herself. Repetition is certainly a way to help a reader retain knowledge, but it ended up slowing down the flow. I noticed some other reviewers noting the same thing. But ultimately, I found my mind wandering while I read as my interst wasn’t being held.

For those interested in marine biology, communication with animals, or other similar scientific areas, this may be a good book. It is filled with research and references and graphs and… well, you get the picture. For a casual reader like myself, it’s a little too in the weeds.

For these reasons, I didn’t rate the book. I was leaning toward 3 out of 5 stars, but I just feel it would be disingenuous for me to rate a book I didn’t finish and one for which I’m probably not the target audience.

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