In 2024, the year that I'm writing this and, incidentally, the year that I read this book, I turn 42 years old. Anyone who knows me probably wouldn't be surprised to learn that I would love to explore the galaxy. Since I'm not an astronaut and because humans haven't really…
Flowers for Algernon
I've heard about this book a lot, but somehow it's never really made it to my reading list. I suppose that's because I never really knew what it was about. But recently I was seeing it on a lot of top sci-fi book lists and I thought, hmm, I didn't…
The Stars My Destination
I'm baaack! But at least I didn't have to wait forever while I created an alternate identity so as to find and get close to the ones I hate in an effort to ruin their lives and kill them... Whoa... sorry about that. Anyhow, this book is considered one of…
Of Mice and Men
I’ve always been interested in reading John Steinbeck. In high school I had the option of reading The Grapes of Wrath or Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison. I chose poorly, as the Grail Knight would say. Anyway, I’m wandering through a Maui Friends of the Library bookshop and am…
The Silver Chair (The Chronicles of Narnia #4)
I’m continuing my journey through The Chronic-WHAT?!-cles of Narnia in publication order. I know, I know. C.S. Lewis had a preferred reading order, but when I read a series for the first time, I like to read it in publication order. Leave me alone! Anyway, if you care at all…
The Six: The Untold Story of America’s First Women Astronauts
My first book of 2024! I picked this one up shortly after joining The Planetary Society and finding out they do a monthly book club. As the title suggests, it’s about the first six women selected by NASA for the Space Shuttle program. How does one not spoil a work…
Stories of Your Life and Others
For my first book review of this blog, the last book I completed in 2023, I bring you a short story collection. To be completely honest, I don't know that I knew this was a short story collection when I put it on my reading list. Not that I have…