Book Review

Acts of Contrition (Star Trek: Voyager)

This book continues the adventures of the U.S.S. Voyager after it returns to the Delta Quadrant on a mission of exploration. And while Tom Paris returns to Earth with Seven of Nine, each to deal with personal matters, Admiral Janeway takes command of the Full Circle Fleet to open diplomatic relations with the Confederacy of the Worlds of the First Quadrant. But the Confederacy has pissed off a lot of other races – many of which Janeway and Voyager have pissed off in the past…

Star Trek: Voyager: Acts of Contrition
Author: Kirsten Beyer
Pages: 401
Format: eBook
Originally Published: October 1, 2014
Publisher: Pocket Books
View on Goodreads
Date Completed: March 26, 2024
My rating:


There is a lot to chew on in this book. I’ll start with the Tom Paris subplot. In an earlier novel, Tom and B’Elanna decided that it is best to fake the deaths of B’Elanna and their daughter, Miral, for Miral’s safety. This included telling Tom’s family that they were dead. His mother, still reeling from the death of her husband during the events of Star Trek: Destiny, takes the news hard. However, when she’s eventually told the truth about the subterfuge, she is not a happy camper. So much so that she sues Tom and B’Elanna for custody of Miral, stating that they’re unfit to be parents. So Tom has to travel back to Earth to defend his and B’Elanna’s rights as the parents. Eventually, Tom must reveal to his mother that they’re expecting their second child. Is she really willing to take custody of a toddler and a newborn baby? At her age?! The resolution to this story is bittersweet but the whole thing was quite a ride!

The other story on Earth is about Seven and Dr. Sharak’s attempt to aid in the search for a cure to the catomic plague. This story doesn’t get quite as much time and isn’t really wrapped up (that will happen in the next novel, Atonement), but there’s a great mystery here and I’m really looking forward to the ending of it.

The main story in this book is Voyager‘s dealings with the Confederacy of the Worlds of the First Quadrant. I actually didn’t quite care about this story arc as much as the other two. Honestly, it was kind of forgettable for me. I’ve had to go back and read other reviews and synopses to refresh my memory. And it still isn’t quite refreshed, but what I do remember is the Kinara fleet holding outside Confederacy space. The Kinara fleet is made up of a bunch of enemies Voyager and Janeway made during their first travels through the Delta Quadrant. And they haven’t forgotten her. Even though I wasn’t too excited about this storyline, I do like how it has progressed from previous novels and am looking forward to how it continues in future ones.

Overall, I gave this book a 4 out of 5 stars. Kirsten Beyer is a terrific author and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the Voyager folks in the coming novels!

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