Book Review

The Collectors (Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations)

Dulmer and Lucsly are back and with them are more of their friends from the Department of Temporal Investigations. Including one from several hundred years in the future. But can the DTI hold a story all their own without other familiar Star Trek faces?

Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations
Author: Christopher L. Bennett
Pages: 119
Format: eBook
Originally Published: December 8, 2014
Publisher: Pocket Books
View on Goodreads
Date Completed: May 25, 2024
My rating:


What this novella did well was utilize the concept of the Department of Temporal Investigations to its fullest. Not only do we get our regulars, Dulmer and Lucsly. But we also get a new character, Jena Noi, who comes from the 31st century equivalent of the DTI. AND they’re sent millions of years into the future!

And basically our “heroes” end up screwing things up in the future. Inadvertently, of course. But as happens, chaos ensues.

Overall, this was a pretty fun adventure and executed quite well by Christopher L. Bennett, who leaves easter eggs like a friggin Star Trek-themed bunny rabbit.

However, the feeling of peril this story provides isn’t really one I cared too much for. Hey, I’m here for original characters. I really am. But I really like having some of my Star Trek peeps around and maybe for the danger to relate to them somehow.

Overall, I gave this one 3 out of 5 stars. It’s certainly worth a read, especially if you’re a completionist, like me. Although don’t expect this to have a lasting impact on the greater Star Trek literary universe.

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