Book Review


Hey, remember the Sam Elliott movie, Conagher? You should because it played on TNT about every other day in the early ’90s! This is the book that inspired that film about a lone soul drifter looking for something. And that something happens to be a widow with a couple kids…

Author: Louis L’Amour
Pages: 152
Format: Mass Market Paperback
Originally Published: January 1, 1969
Publisher: Bantam Books
View on Goodreads
Date Completed: April 7, 2024
My rating:


Last year, I read my first Louis L’Amour book, The Shadow Riders. I had never really been into Westerns growing up, but my dad was, so we watched them from time to time. At some point, at a used bookstore, I picked up The Shadow Riders. I don’t remember when or where, but it was an attempt to expand my reading repertoire. And I loved that book! So I’ve picked up a few other L’Amour books since. And as soon as I saw a copy of Conagher on the shelf of a local used book store, I had to pick it up.

As many times as I’ve seen the film, I remember next to nothing about it. So much so, it was actually kind of difficult to picture Sam Elliott as the title character. So it was like going into this story fresh.

I love a good story about a person who stands up for what’s right and just. Conn Conagher is just that man. He wants to make an honest living and protect those who can’t protect themselves. Evie Teale is a well-written character too. She’s a damsel in distress without being too much of a damsel in distress, if that makes any sense.

It’s funny because as short as this book is (most of L’Amour’s books are fairly short), it does kind of drag on from time to time.

I ended up giving this one 3 out of 5 stars, but I could see brining it up to 3.5 if Goodreads allowed half stars. I’ve got a couple other Louis L’Amour books on my shelf waiting to be read. And I’m very much looking forward to getting into them later this year!

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