Historical fiction is great and all, but when you add a real-life family story into the mix, the emotions can really come alive. This is a fictionalized account of a real family's struggle for survival during the Holocaust.
The Elements of Style
This book was mentioned numerous times in Stephen King's memoir, On Writing. I think I'd heard of it before, but throughout school I had always been required to use other sources. And when I was browsing the Writing section of a Maui Friends of the Library location and happened across…
The Chain
I am not a parent of humans. And since there were no animals harmed in the writing of this novel, I feel compelled to point out that my review may seem a little… um… harsh. So just bear that in mind as you read on.
One Small Step (Star Trek: Gateways #1)
The start of a big Star Trek crossover series of novels always has a big lift. In this case, the author has to take a concept created by two other people, create an original Star Trek story, end on a big cliffhanger, and set the stage for six additional original…
The Terminal Man
The second book by Michael Crichton, but twelfth overall when considering his publications under pseudonyms, didn't exactly age well. Published in 1972, some of the things mentioned wouldn't pass an editor's review today. But does the actual story pass muster?
Dark Matter
If you're into mind-bendy sci-fi thrillers that are heavy on the science yet easy to read and understand, have a unique story idea, and a lot of heart to boot, I've got news for you - this book has it all!
King Henry VI, Part 1
This is my first reading in attempt to read through the works of William Shakespeare in [somewhat] chronological order of writing/publication. I have chosen The Arden Shakespeare, Third Series, as my guide through these works, and based on this first reading, I think it was a good choice, albeit quite…
Heart of Darnkess
This is one of those books I hear about a lot. It seems its on all the lists of best books and is usually required reading in English literature programs. I can see why it's considered so great, but, by Jove! it is dark... I imagine this is also frequently…
Is Anyone Listening? What Animals Are Saying to Each Other and to Us
I debated about whether or not to write a review since I didn't finish this book (I did read half the book). But I thought it be prudent for the casual reader to know my impressions of it before they pick it up. In short, it was quite interesting, but…
Midnight in Chernobyl: The Untold Story of the World’s Greatest Nuclear Disaster
There's no denying that 1986 was a year of tragedy, with two major disasters: the explosions of Space Shuttle Challenger in January and of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in April. Both were horrific in their own right and arguably could have been avoided. And while Challenger claimed seven lives in…